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Heywood Cricket Club
Heywood Cricket Club are proud to be founder members of the Greater Manchester Cricket League. 

Click HERE to visit the GMCL website.


At Heywood, we think that it is important for our Club to have a set of shared values. A set of principles that run through the club from the youngest member to the oldest and with which we can be identified. Cricket is widely recognised as not just a sport or a game, but also a very positive influence for good in peoples’ lives. The things that make a person valued in cricket also make them valued in life. Things like a positive attitude, hard work, honesty, fairness and a respect for others.

We have reflected upon this quite hard as we have rejuvenated our Junior Section over the last few years. We realised that we had the opportunity not just to teach the game of cricket, but also to help develop young people as individuals through the game. However, we think Heywood has always done this – it’s in the history of the club and the town.

When we considered the values that were most important to us and those which we wished to pass on to the next generation we settled on the following:-

So this is the kind of Club we want to be, and also the Club we think we are moving towards, a club that:-




Good at Communicating

Community Orientated